Come see the masks arrayed for masquerade at...
by Vincent Ur
Sculpted Leather Masks
since 1994
New Orleans Mask Market
When: Every Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday prior to Fat Tuesday.
Where: Dutch Alley, New Orleans
Norman Medieval Faire
When: Last weekend of March.
Where: Norman, Oklahoma
Scarborough Faire
When: First weekend in April through first weekend in June.
Where: Waxahatchie, Texas
Blue Dome Arts Festival
When: Middle of May.
Where: Downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma
Colorado Renaissance Festival
When: Second weekend in June through last weekend in July.
Where: Larkspur, Colorado
Minnesota Renaissance Festival
When: Third weekend of August through end of September.
Where: Shakopee, Minnesota
Kansas City Renaissance Festival
When: First weekend in September through second weekend in October.
Where: Bonner Springs, Kansas
Tulsa Comic Con
When: Third week of October
Where: Downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma
Dia De Los Muerte Arts Festival
When: November 1st
Where: Downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma
Dickens on the Strand
When: First weekend of December.
Where: Galveston, Texas

A Masquerade
13310 Bel-Red Road, Suite 102
Bellevue, Wa.
(425) 373-5990
Abra Cadabra
19 W. 21st St.
New York, Ny.
(212) 627-5194
Adam & Eve
12525 Dix-Toledo Rd.
Southgate, Mi.
(734) 284-8755
22772 West Rd.
Brownstown, Mi.
(734) 675-9755
4525 S. Telegraph Rd.
Dearborn Hts, Mi.
(313) 274-7558
Beatnix Inc.
1149 Washington Avenue
Miami Beach, Fl.
(404) 728-4598
1329 Pacific Avenue
Santa Cruz, Ca. 95060
(831) 423-7613
Costumes Etc.
2138 Faulkner Rd.
Atlanta , Ga.
(404) 728-4598
Costumes on Haight
735 Haight St.
San Francisco, Ca.
(415) 621-1356
9797 W. Colfax Ave. Suite KK
Lakewood, Co.
(303) 462-0401
Echoes of Time
600 N. Witchduck Rd. Suite 102
Virginia Beach, Va.
(757) 428-2332
Fantasy Creations
420 Williamsom Rd.
Roanoake, Va.
(540 )265-1112
Fetish Factory
855 E. Oakland Park Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.
(954) 563-5777
Frankel's Costume Co.
2801 Polk Street
Houston, Tx.
(713) 228-9445
Gothic Renaissance
110 4th Ave
New York City, NY
(212) 780-9558
Jill Courtemanche Millinery
410 S. Cedros Ave.
Sloana Beach, Ca.
Johnnie Brock's Dungeon
1900 South Jefferson
St. Louis, Mo.
(314) 621-6199
630 Saint Ann St.
New Orleans, Louisiana
(504) 568-1018
2038 Magazine Street
New Orleans, Louisiana
(504 )522-CUTE
Natasha's Attic
1238 South Bascom Ave.
San Jose, Ca.
(408) 286-7368
Nelson Leather
34 Spring St.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas
(479) 253-7162
903 Decatur
New Orleans, La.
(504) 529-3633
Screaming Mimis
382 Lafayette St.
New York City, NY
(212) 677-6464
Yesteryear's Inc.
626 Bourbon St.
New Orleans, La.
(504) 523-2039
Uptown Costume and Dance
4326 Magazine St.
New Orleans, La.
(504) 895-7969
Wicked Chamber
1959 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa, Ca.
(949) 631-5616